Active Buoys#

A common use for NDBC’s API is to get list of active stations and in order to extract weather data for analysis.

As always, you need to begin by creating an instance of Buoy:

import pybuoy

buoy = pybuoy.Buoy()

Get List of Active Stations with pybuoy#

active_stations = buoy.stations.get_active()

active_stations returns an array of station objects.

        'id': '00922',
        'lat': '30',
        'lon': '-90',
        'name': 'OTN201 - 4800922',
        'owner': 'Dalhousie University',
        'pgm': 'IOOS Partners',
        'type': 'other',
        'met': 'n',
        'currents': 'n',
        'waterquality': 'n',
        'dart': 'n'
    ... 1346 more items